MIAL Celebrates our Seafarers
On 25 June each year, the international industry pays tribute to the many seafarers serving our industry without whom world economies would grind to a halt, critical medical supplies would not be distributed and producers around the world would be deprived of their markets.
Seafarers have and will continue to play a critically important role in the safety and prosperity of our nation and Maritime Industry Australia Ltd (MIAL) recognises the hardships that many seafarers have endured particularly over the past two years of the pandemic and thanks them for continuing to work in the face of such challenges.
Recognising some of the issues brought to light over the last few years, a record eight amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) were recently agreed by shipowner and seafarer representatives to enhance protections afforded to this critical cohort of workers.
MIAL has vocally and repeatedly emphasised the importance of compliance with the requirements of the MLC throughout the pandemic and reiterates its support of the international industry that the rights of seafarers enshrined in the MLC be respected.
As an island nation, Australia is more reliant on sea trade and this critical workforce than many other nations. By bolstering Australian-owned, operated, and controlled ships we will increase our sovereign maritime capability, addressing the vulnerabilities our country faces. A strong domestic industry with the opportunity to train and employ highly skilled seafarers is critical to our future security and economic growth.
Angela Gillham, MIAL CEO says:
“We welcome the Australian Government’s recent recommitment to rebuilding Australian shipping and we look forward to assisting them in creating the business environment required to encourage the Australian shipping industry to thrive, and to ensure the ability to train and employ skilled seafarers critical to national prosperity”